Glowed up

6 Week Self-Image & Self-Love Mastery

Self-love is the ability to put yourself first and prioritize yourself. 

How draining has it been to keep yourself last on your priority list? 

This is something you have probably been praised for in your past & because of that, you keep doing it. Feeling like it is the right thing to do.

But let's be honest, there is a part of you that is resentful of it. Then, you catch yourself feeling guilty about feeling resentful. Then you begin to spiral. 

What if you had the tools to stop the spiraling? How would that FEEL? 

Here’s the truth, being selfish is not actually a “bad” thing. Society has you believing it all backwards. It is actually one of the most selfless things that you can do. I mean, how are you supposed to pour from an empty cup? AM I RIGHT? 

It is time to set some boundaries and prioritize yourself. AKA: LOVE YOURSELF. 

What if you had the exact tools you needed to set those boundaries and then, *drum roll*, ACTUALLY stood tall and proud in those boundaries IRL? What would that look like for you? How does it feel in your body to visualize that version of yourself? 

Sound life changing yet? 



Self-image is the way you portray yourself and the way you believe others portray you. 

If you catch yourself unable to walk past a mirror without that nasty inner critic making their grand entry… It is time for change. It is time to see yourself for how unique and special you are and embrace yourself “flaws” and all. 

In this course you will receive specific energetic & physical tools, that will quantum leap you towards the version of herself who embodies the sexy hot bi*ch she is. 

What sets this course apart from any other self-image / self-love course you have taken or looked into?

I used my intuition to channel the tools that are specific to what the collective needs the most. If you feel called to jump into this course, the energetic & physical tools are specifically FOR YOU, compliments of your higher self & the laws of the Universe. 

Let’s say you are getting ready for an event. You leave the room feeling like a million bucks. Then, when you get to your destination, you immediately begin to compare yourself to every other person around you. You begin to shrink. You begin to spiral again… 

I’ve been there. It’s ok. AND, what would it feel like if you had the confidence in yourself to SHINE in that room? No matter what. Even if there was a person in that room wearing the same exact dress as you are wearing? You go up to her and compliment her style. You don’t compare. Instead, you realize that no one has what you have. It isn’t “I look better”, it’s “I have what no one else has and that is what makes me special” and why you don’t care if someone is twinning with you or not. Bottom line is this, “I have something that no one else has and that is what sets me apart”. 

How would it feel to have THAT kind of confidence? 

That is what teach you inside of Glowed Up. 

Glowed Up, is a six week course dedicated to skyrocketing your self-love and self-image. By the time you complete this course, you will be rooted in who you are and what you bring to the table. 

You will have strong boundaries, know what you deserve, and you sure as f*ck won’t settle for anything less than you KNOW you deserve. 

You will be rooted in your worthiness and ability to create the life you desire to live. 

Still wondering how these two things are the key to life? 

The world is a giant mirror of how you think, feel, and what you believe to be true about yourself. 

Your reality is a reflection of that.

Don’t like how others treat you? Ask yourself, am I treating myself the way I desire to be treated? 

If you answered, no. Here lies your answer. 

Let’s actually get to the root cause of this so you can change your reality. 

OH, the trauma? Your past? Don’t worry. I will be putting you through a trauma healing meditation that will help you find peace in what is holding you back. This alone will help you make massive shifts and quantum leap you into the reality you desire. 

Imagine a life that you LOVE. 

What does that look like for you? How does that feel? 

Are you ready to make that dream, your reality? 

If you answered yes, Glowed Up is for you. 

Inside of Glowed Up, I will teach you how to skyrocket your self-image and self-love level to a 10/10. After six weeks, two bonus modules + three pre-recorded Q&A's from Glowed Up alumni, you will have the tools to implement into your life that will shift your reality. What are you waiting for? It’s time to GLOW.




Pay In Full


  1. Six pre-recorded modules
  2. Two bonus modules
  3. Three Pre-recorded Q&As from previous Glowed Up alumni
  4. Cord Cutting Meditation Recording 
  5. On demand access to the recordings
  6. Student portal
  7. Journal prompts and homework

This is a self-paced course.

PIF Bonus: Energy Recovery Meditation

2 Part Payment Plan Available Here
3 Part Payment Plan Available Here

Are You Ready to GLOW?

Your journey starts right here.


Mikaela here! I'm more than just your average healer and psychic medium – I'm your intuitive guide to unlocking your true potential and living a life of abundance.

Born and raised in a small beach town in California, my journey has taken me across multiple states and continents, shaping me into the intuitive powerhouse I am today. Growing up with separated parents taught me invaluable lessons in adaptability and empathy, laying the foundation for my unique ability to connect with others on a profound level.

By the time I reached my early thirties, I had already lived a lifetime of experiences. Despite outward success, I felt a deep sense of disconnection and unease. At 29, I made the courageous decision to walk away from a life that no longer served me, trusting in my intuition to guide me towards my true purpose.

Through intuitive energy healing, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. I healed my own wounds, shattered limiting beliefs, mastered self-love & self-image, and embraced my inner power to become the radiant force I am today. My mission is clear: to help others do the same.

Now, I'm here to guide you on your own transformative journey. Together, we'll break free from the chains of self-doubt and societal pressures, and unlock the limitless potential that resides within you.

Join me inside of Glowed Up, it is time to step into your power and create the life you've always dreamed of.